“Battle for Brooklyn” Exposes Eminent Domain Abuse
After earning critical praise on the film festival circuit, the documentary Battle for Brooklyn has opened in select theaters in New York City.
The documentary details the ongoing fight against eminent domain abuse in New York. Specifically, it looks at the fight between developer Bruce Ratner, backed by his good friend Mayor Bloomberg, and local property-owners in Brooklyn. The film focuses particularly on graphic designer Daniel Goldstein, and his seven-year fight to retain his home against the powers of big business supported by the state.
As the Property Rights Alliance has previously noted, the case described in the film represents one of the most egregious abuses of eminent domain power, and is part of a pattern of abuse of this power by the state and city governments of New York. It among the prime exhibits of the damage being done to the law and to property-owners by the unfortunate Kelo decision. Thankfully, some states have taken notice of the potential for abuse, and have passed legislation to protect property-owners. Hopefully, the attention garnered by this film will aid further progress on this issue.
Battle for Brooklyn tells a compelling story that should be of interest to anyone who cares about their property and rights, or worries about the abuse of government power. We wish directors Michael Galinsky and Suki Hawley success in promoting their work.